Alaska Wilderness Adventure
Alaska float trips are like none other! Your adventure will start on Lake Hood, the world’s largest floatplane base. From there, we’ll fly to Chelatna Lake, which is located at the base of North America’s tallest peak – Denali (Mt. McKinley). And if you’ve never experienced a water landing on a wilderness mountain lake, get ready for one of life’s true pleasures – that alone should be on everyone’s “before I die” list.
After we assemble the rafts, we’ll begin a slow (don’t worry — it gets much faster) meandering float down Lake Creek. And what makes this float trip even more special is the white water — only accessible by river rafts. Most fishing trips require the use of jetboats, however, you’ll only see jetboats for the first couple of miles in the begining and the last few of miles at the end.
As for the rest of the time, it’s just you and about sixty miles of the great outdoors. Lake Creek parallels the great Alaskan range, so the scenery will vary from virgin forrest and majestic cliffs to rocky bluffs and barren muskeg.
Weather Conditions: From the end of June to the beginning of July, Alaska offers some of the best conditions. Temperatures vary from 65 to 85 degrees during the day. You can experience an occasional shower or thunderstorm, but for the most part, this is the dryest time. You can expect approximately 10 hours of direct sunlight and 24 hours of daylight for the majority of the time. Generally speaking, locals say it takes about 10 years of acclimation for Alaska’s climate conditions. So with that in mind, my advise is to chill out and enjoy the ride.
The biodiversity of Lake Creek, with it’s numerous feeding tributeries, such as Sunflower, Camp Creek, Home Creek and Yenlow Creek provide the perfect backdrop as all five of Alaska’s salmon species congregate prior to spawning. If you’re in search of King, Sockeye, Coho, Pink, Chum and Silver salmon, as well as Rainbow Trout and Arctic Grayling, you’ve come to the right place.
While you’ll find the fishing resources abundant, we encourage anglers to help us conserve and protect them. Catch and release practices are put into place whenever possible
A deposit of 50% is required to confirm reservations. The balance is due 60 days prior to arrival. Reservations made less than 60 days in advance must be paid in full. Upon final confirmation of your reservation, we will send you a packing list of recommended clothing and gear as well as final details of your adventure.
Remember — spaces are limited and in the event of a cancellation, deposits will NOT be refunded unless the space can be rebooked. You have my word I will do everything humanly possible to find a replacement, but please bear in mind what we go through to organize a trip of this magnitude..
Live 4 Adventure guides will not be responsible for loss of personal property, cancellations or delays due to weather, or other circumstances beyond our control.